Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Final Proposal

Project Proposal
Name: Adam Denson

The title of the project at present will go untitled, however the title is a working progress.

Subject/ Concept
For my final major project I have decided to focus my attention on documentary photography. I wish to propose the idea of documenting a variety of posters that can be found outside places of worship. Why does the church still persist using the poster as a form of reaching out to their audiences when there are more effective means of advertising and promotion? I would like to ask the question why does the church mix religious undertones with popular modern culture in their posters and is the poster considered as a form of preaching. Predominantly, the images are about the text in the posters, however I set out to inform the viewer about the wider picture. Therefore I will not dismiss the idea of capturing people arriving and leaving the congregation, nor will I dismiss the idea of documenting the possibilities of evidencing the posters being designed. To help answer my project, I would like answering: Why does religion choose this route of advertising? Is the poster considered as a form of preaching? Can you tell me if the poster is an effective way of enticing the public through the doors? What is the true meaning of these posters? Who is responsible for making these statements? Who are the people responsible or making these posters? Where are these posters made?

My aim is not to preach religion, nor am I intending to be disdainful. My aim is to simply document, collect and share my findings with others and present them in a book. To ensure I have explored my subject and my questions go answered it is important I try to arrange small interviews with those who head the congregation. By photographing the heads of congregation, outside their place of worship with the poster in view is ideal.

As mentioned, my images are predominantly about the posters, however my series may take an interesting slant should I gain access to where the posters are designed and made. Creating a behind the scenes documentary is something I haven’t seen before and is something worth considering.

Audience/ Context
The project is specifically aimed at those who share an interest in documentary photography and it is possible that my work may attract those who follow a faith. The images should not be taken too seriously and for the viewer, the images will appear pleasing in appearance. I would like my work to provoke thought whilst at the same time answer some of the questions I need answering. Should I look at trying to have my work published then I will consider looking at several journals ranging from Daylight Magazine, Source and eight. My series will be presented in the form of a digital book, however I would like to consider other creative means of presenting my work, not to dissimilar to other photographers who have had their work published.

Time Management
Collecting a wide range of images, enough to make a series will be time consuming; nevertheless I have no concern that I will not be able to achieve this. Below is a time schedule that will help me adhere to time scales and plan out my project. The deadline for the project is the 10th June and by 20th June my final major project will be exhibited.
Photography 7th April – 9th May 2008
Editing images 12th May – 16th May 2008
Prepare digital book and final large images 19th May – 23rd May 2008
Print final large images, ready for mounting 26th May 2008
Digital book submitted, time allocated for the final book to arrive 26th May – 6th June 2008
Submission date - 10th June

Research Methods – Reference points
The research required for this project is limited and I will begin by looking at other photographers who have approached this subject or a project similar to this one. To help kick start the project I will begin to look further a field at other lens based practitioners such as Lee Friedlander, Stephen Gill, Paul Graham, John Angerson, (Love, Power, Sacrifice). Places of worship will be located by using roadmaps, online maps and my Tom Tom. In summary my methodology in terms of research is of no concern. My key aim is to arrange small interviews and gain access to the places where these posters are made.

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